2023 IRPS Year-in-Review

The IRPS Reliability Year-in-Review (YiR) session consists of 3 presentations reviewing the past year's reliability work by experts in the field for areas of high interest. It is an excellent augmentation to the tutorial sessions immediately preceding, and attendees may obtain keen reliability insights in a short amount of time.

(YIR1) 27th March 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Soft Error in Planar, FDSOI, FinFET, and GAA

Taiki Uemura (Samsung Electronics)

Abstract: Radiation effect in semiconductor devices is a critical concern in high-performance computing (HPC) and automotive applications. The HPC scale grows more than Moor’s law, an HPC system has over 8 million semiconductor devices, and the required quality is extremely high in a semiconductor device. Screening and process modification are not able to prevent soft errors; soft error is the principal concern in HPC reliability. This YIR will cover state-of-the-art of soft error technology in the advanced technology as applied to HPC. Automotive is another application that has a huge concern about soft error. Qualification of automotive devices is compliance with ISO26262 and AEC-Q100. The two standards follow a JEDEC standard, JESD89 (Measurement and Reporting of Alpha Particle and Terrestrial Cosmic Ray-Induced Soft Errors in Semiconductor Devices). JESD89 has been updated 2021 (JESD89B), and this YIR explains the update in JESD89. This YIR will cover the new potential radiation effect: X-ray effect and SEFI in DRAM, and SEE in MRAM.

Taiki Uemura is a principal reliability engineer at Device Solutions in Samsung Electronics. His responsibility includes soft-error and radiation effect reliability in Memory, System-LSI, and Foundry solutions. He has 19 years of experience in soft-error reliability engineering, works on qualification and ISO26262 support for automotive and HPC devices, SER analysis, and developing radiation-hardened design at the transistor, circuit, and product levels. Taiki is the author and co-author of 60+ journals and conference publications, including 27 IRPS papers and several invited talks. Holds 40+ issued and pending patents. He is a member of the technical program committees of international conferences (IRPS, IOLTS, DATA, ICICDT, ESREF, SELSE), an expert member of the IEC/TC107, and a management committee member of IRPS. He received a Ph.D. degree in 2015 in information system engineering from Osaka University.

(YIR2) 27th March 3:50 PM - 4:40 PM
SiC Devices

Daniel J. Lichtenwalner (Wolfspeed, A Cree Company)

Abstract: Recent years have seen much focus on the advancement of SiC power devices from niche applications to mainstream power conversion applications. SiC diodes and MOSFETs are key components in power conversion devices and modules for various industrial applications ranging from solar, wind, computer servers, traction, among others. These devices have shown their ability to provide energy efficiency savings due to their low on-state resistance in high voltage applications (typical product offerings range from 650V to 3.3kV), and low switching energy losses. The performance benefits of SiC power devices in efficiency compared to competing silicon-based devices is clear. The recent push for SiC power MOSFETs in automotive applications (chargers, motor drives) has increased the focus on ensuring low (ppm) failure rates, and consequently demands a more complete understanding of all failure mechanisms. Thus the last few years have seen a multitude of studies aimed to fully characterize the complete device operating conditions in static and dynamic device operation. Both intrinsic and extrinsic failure modes have been studied in much more detail due to these demands of automotive products and their qualification criteria. In this review, a summary of the many important reliability tests for SiC MOSFETs will be discussed, explaining differences between silicon and SiC-based devices, and then focusing on threshold stability tests that are critical for SiC MOS devices. Namely, the issue of threshold drift under gate switching (gate switching instability, GSI) has been recently observed to be unlike that experienced in silicon devices, and various studies have been published which elucidate the effects of this failure mode, with some explanation regarding the origins of this failure mechanism. The results presented in these recent studies will be summarized.

Daniel Jenner Lichtenwalner is a research scientist in Wolfspeed’s SiC power device research and development division in Durham, NC.  His work at Wolfspeed focuses on relationships between MOS gate processing, device design, and device reliability.  Reliability focus areas are gate dielectric lifetime, threshold voltage stability, and terrestrial neutron single-event burnout (SEB).  Daniel is an author/coauthor of >100 publications, has presented invited talks at various conferences (including ECS, IIRW, IRPS, and ICSCRM), and has more than 20 issued patents.  He has served on the IRPS technical program committee for SiC wide bandgap session, and was the session chair in 2022.  He has also served on the technical program committees for the ICSCRM and SSDM conferences in 2022, as well as being an active JEDEC member in the SiC reliability task group within JC70.2.  Daniel received his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering in 1990 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

(YIR3) 27th March 4:40 PM - 5:30 PM
FEOL reliability of fin, NW, NS FETs

Stanislav Tyaginov, Michiel Vandemaele, Erik Bury (imec)

Abstract: The arrival of the mobile era and the internet of things requires long battery life for electronic components and low OFF currents. Thus, transistors are optimized by introducing novel device topologies such as fin, nanowire (NW), nanosheet (NS), and forksheet (FS) field-effect-transistors (FETs). They are designed to improve electrostatic channel control and result in a steeper sub-threshold slope and hence an improved ratio between ON and OFF currents. Thereby a reduction of the device power consumption and further scaling of the supply and threshold voltages becomes possible. In addition to such tangible product parameters as performance and power consumption, reliability specifications are the essential metric required for the introduction of each new VLSI node. In this year-in-review we provide a summary of recent papers devoted to front-end-of-line (FEOL) reliability concerns in fin, NW, NS, and FS FETs: bias temperature instability (BTI), hot-carrier degradation (HCD), OFF-state stress (OSS), and self-heating (SH), as well as their intricate superpositions. This presentation rests on three pillars: (i) experimental investigations of the degradation issues in the novel devices, (ii) strategies on how to alleviate these degradation effects and optimize the device architecture, and (iii) predictive lifetime modeling for FETs subjected to BTI, HCD, OSS, and SH.

Dr. Stanislav Tyaginov received his PhD degree in physics at the post-graduate school of the Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute in 2006. Starting from 2008 he has been working at the Technical University of Vienna where he led the physics-based hot-carrier degradation model development group. For the period of 2018-2020 he was a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow at imec, where he is currently employed as a principal researcher. Dr. Tyaginov has been serving as a technical program committee member at the IIRW (2020 general chair), IRPS, ESREF, IPFA and has authored/co-authored more than 140 publications in peer reviewed scientific journals as well as in conference proceedings. Among them, more than 60 are journal papers. His scientific interests include HCD, BTI, TDDB, self-heating in Si, SiGe/Ge, and SiC devices as well as tunneling phenomena.

Michiel Vandemaele received the joint M.Sc. degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology from KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium and Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden in 2015 and the M.Sc. degree in Physics from KU Leuven in 2017. He is currently a researcher in the Device Reliability and Electrical characterization group at imec, Leuven, Belgium, and is working towards the Ph.D. degree at KU Leuven. His research interests are the modeling of hot-carrier degradation in future semiconductor technologies like nanowire FETs, nanosheet FETs and forksheet FETs.

Erik Bury received the B.Sc., M.Sc. and PhD degrees in Electronic Engineering from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Belgium, in 2009, 2011 and 2016 respectively. He is currently team leader and principal member of technical staff within the advanced reliability and robustness department of imec. His main research interests involve device self-heating effects, channel hot carrier degradation and bias temperature instabilities. He received the IPFA Best Paper award (in reliability) in 2014 and IRPS Best Paper award in 2022. He is serving or served as a technical program committee member for ESSDERC, IPFA and IRPS.


IRPS 2022 Year in Review

  • 3D IC Packaging by Kangwook (Kriss) Lee, (SK Hynix)

  • Emerging Memory Reliability (MRAM, RRAM, PCM, Ferroelectrics) by Shimeng Yu, (Georgia Tech)

  • Reliability and aging aware designs / Circuit reliability by Evelyn Landman, (Protean Tecs)

IRPS 2021 Year in Review

  • FinFET vs GAA : Main reliability Differences and Concerns by Adrian Chasin (imec)

  • Reliability Testing: Considerations for Physics-Based Reliability Testing Development by Derek W. Slottke (Intel)

  • Industry Council on ESD Target Levels: Review of Achievements, Activities, and Initiatives by Charvaka Duvvury (ESD consulting)