Abstract Submission
Inside Speakers Info: Author Timeline l Abstract Submission l Preparing Final Manuscripts l Preparing Presentation
Author notices have been sent to all corresponding authors on December 17, 2024. If you have not received an email via the submission site, Ex Ordo, (be sure to check your spam folder) please contact Tracy Holle at t.holle@ieee.org with your paper number(s) for assistance.
Abstract submission for IRPS 2025
IRPS offers its attendees technical sessions, tutorials, workshops, a year-in-review seminar and a poster session, all covering state-of-the-art developments in the reliability physics of electronic and optoelectronic devices, materials, and systems. Attendees returning from the IRPS will be better equipped to solve critical reliability problems and develop effective qualification procedures that affect their companies’ bottom line.
To submit your 2-page abstract, follow these instructions:
Download the Abstract Writing Guide HERE.
Download the Abstract Template HERE.
Download an Example Abstract HERE.
Upload your two-page abstract to the Abstract Submission Site HERE.
Abstracts are due by 11:59 PM PDT on October 13 October 20, 2024 (extended!). All abstracts must be submitted electronically on Ex Ordo web site (https://irps2025.exordo.com/). Only pdf file format can be accepted. Abstracts exceeding two pages in length will not be accepted; the paper size must be either 8.5″ x 11″ (Letter) or A4. The minimum allowable font size is 10 point Times New Roman or 11 point Calibri. Abstracts typically contain one page of text and one page of figures. The work described in your abstract must be original. The abstract should highlight the novelty of the work and place it in the context of previous works. Specific results (e.g. data or model equations) must be provided to demonstrate that the work is complete and to allow for the outcomes to be evaluated. Following abstract review, full manuscripts of accepted papers will be due before the conference.
Authors will be notified of acceptance status by the middle of December.
Late-news submission for IRPS
Full-length manuscripts with late-breaking news may be considered for inclusion in the conference/proceedings starting January 3, 2025. These are due by January 23, 2025.
Identify new or improve our understanding of the physics of failure and modeling of mechanisms in electronic and optoelectronic devices, materials, and systems;
Identify how fabrication processes influence the susceptibility of product to particular physical failure mechanisms;
Quantify the impact of device and circuit design, as well as material and process selection on reliability;
Present new, innovative, or improved failure analysis techniques;
Describe reliability testing/stressing, qualification, and screening methodologies or strategies for materials, devices, circuits, or chips; either at wafer- or module-level for commercial or “extreme” environments;
Demonstrate techniques to build-in or extend reliability while meeting performance goals, especially as technologies are scaled.
Upload your late-news paper to the Submission Site HERE
Abstract submission for IEW-US
2025 International ESD Workshop (IEW 2025) in US will again co-locate with the International Reliability Physics Symposium 2025 (IRPS 2025) on March 30th - April 3rd 2025, Hyatt Regency Monterey, Monterey, CA. Therefore, submissions to IEW 2025 and/or IRPS 2025 will receive exposure to a much broader audience.
Upload your IEW-US abstract presentation to the Ex Ordo Abstract Submission Site HERE. For more details please visit the IEW 2025 website (coming soon). Abstracts are due by 11:59 PM PDT on January 16, 2025 in PDF format.
Authors will be notified of acceptance status after the review and selection process by the committee of IEW-US.
Agreement Not to Pre-Publish Abstracts or Present Abstracts
Submission of an abstract for review and subsequent acceptance is considered by the committee as an agreement that the work will not be placed in the public domain by the author prior to the conference. Accepted papers or significant portions of the work may not be placed in the public domain (conference with and without proceedings) prior to the conference. Violation will be grounds for automatic withdrawal of the paper by the conference committee.
All questions or inquiries for further information regarding this meeting should be directed to t.holle@ieee.org