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IRPS 2023 Exhibits

Exhibits are an integral part of the International Reliability Physics Symposium. Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your company’s products and services at our exposition.

For more than 60 years, the International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS) has been the premier conference for engineers and scientists to present new and original work in the area of microelectronics reliability. Drawing participants from the United States, Europe, Asia, and other parts of the world, IRPS seeks to understand the interplay between the reliability of semiconductor components, integrated circuits, and microelectronic assemblies through an improved understanding of both the physics of failure as well as the application environment.

IRPS Highlights:

  • 400+ professionals from the semiconductor reliability field

  • 90+ platform presentations and invited talks

  • 50+ posters at the evening reception

  • 20+ tutorials

  • 10+ workshops and panel discussions

IRPS 2023 Exhibit Booth Opportunities:

Single - 8x10 - $3,000 per booth
Double – 8x20 - $5,000 per booth - (prior to 12/31/22)

Booth package includes:

  • (1) standard 7”x44” exhibitor ID sign, pipe, and drape, installation, and removal

  • (1) Full registration package for each booth rented. Each package will include a badge for admission to the exhibit area and technical sessions, tickets to food functions, and a copy of the Symposium Proceedings

  • Each 8x20 booth space will receive up to five (5) additional “worker only” badges

  • Each 8x10 booth space will receive up to two (2) additional “worker only” badges

  • Logo and Link to company URL on the 2023 IRPS website - https://irps.org

  • Potential for online exhibit content as well

Lunch Sponsor - $10,000

Lunch Sponsor package includes:

  • Single booth package as detailed above

  • Additional booth or table in lunch area from Tues-Thurs of IRPS Technical Program

  • Exclusive 10-minute presentation opportunity to attendees during one day of lunch

For more information or custom opportunities, contact Lisa Boyd – l.boyd@ieee.org

Please review the detailed Exhibitor Prospectus for additional information on exhibiting at IRPS 2023:

2023 Exhibitors

IRPS gratefully acknowledges the generous support of our 2023 exhibitors:


Exhibitor Lunch Patron